Welcome to the Ultimate Online Boxing techniques Library
The Library. Get access today.
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Welcome to the Ultimate Boxing Techniques Library.
For £10 a month get access to Demonstrated Boxing combinations.
Broken down for you to learn and remember. to improve your boxing skills. Have access any time via your membership.
Ideally to be practised on a bag at home or at your local gym.
Footwork drills & how to shadow box included.
What you get
with this membership?
- The ability to choose & memorise combinations that suit you.
- Ability to use your bag efficiently
- Improve your understanding of shot selection.
-A library of knowledge to hand to look over & practice and memorize anytime
How this
membership can
help you?
- Help get you back into fitness
- Help you get sharper at boxing
- Help you structure your bag workouts out
- Create a new routine
- Create a lifestyle and mindset shift
- Overall fitness improvement
- Get into the habit of an elite athlete
What is included…
New weekly video content showing you how to do each exercise
Tracking for your exercises
Access to your coach for accountability
Best Value
Ultimate Boxing Library Subscription
Every month
Our subscription service giving you access to a video library of instructional boxing content.
Valid until canceled
Learn fundamentals to Inside Combonations
Float like a butterfly with Footwork tutorials
Get to know every type of Single shot
Inside to Outside, Outside to Inside
Shadow Boxing, anytime, any place